Thursday, 6 June 2013

Foods that Boost Your Immune System

Have you ever noticed why we become ill as the temperature or a place changes? Why the hectic holiday schedules play havoc with our health and our bodies are thrown out of gear? Why the seasonal changes are always detrimental to our health and the time of coughing and sneezing starts with lot of discomfort?

Healthy FoodsThe answer to all the questions asked above lies in one and that is our immune system was working overtime during all these circumstances.

Immune system of our body is that mechanism which keeps our bodies guarded against the infections of germs, bacteria and viruses. This helps our bodies to fight them and keep itself healthy. There are several immune system boosting foods that can help a disturbed or a ill immune a system to come back to its original way of working. These foods are discussed here in this article.


Drink lots of water daily to keep your system hydrated enough and function better. Immune system can be brought back to its normal functioning by charging it with the water.


There are beneficial bacteria in the yogurt that help in the digestion and so they also help the immune system. Get your child to eat that yogurt encapsulated with the chocolate and he will love you for that.


These foods are loaded with antioxidants. They are also full with beta carotene which helps fight the bacteria and thus helps the immune system functioning.


Seaweeds have high vitamin C which helps fight the cold through their white blood cells. They also have high content of vitamin B that reduces the risk of cancers and heart disease.


Zinc lozenges can reduce the symptoms and speed the recovery from the common cold if it is taken within 24 hours of the onset of cold.


There are high levels of selenium in the seafood such as oysters, lobster, crabs and clams, helping white blood cells fight off viruses like influenza.
There is high load of omega-3 fatty acids in the fishes like Salmon and herring, helping to reduce inflammation. This improves airflow and protects your lungs from colds and other respiratory infections.


There is good quantity of zinc in beef making it one of the best immune system boosters foods as zinc helps in the development of the white blood cells to fight against the bacteria and viruses.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes primary benefit is delivering a solid dose of beta-carotene, which your body changes into vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin, your first defense against harmful bacteria and viruses.


Garlic is a miracle food that contains the sulphur compounds, like allicin. These compounds help protect the body from number of external attacks of infection.


Ginger reduces migraine, motion sickness and heartburn almost immediately after the consumption. It has great healing properties such that the body keeps the illness away by its consumption.
Immune System Boosting Foods


Broccoli is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E along with several antioxidants and anti-cancer agents that help it to fight off against the germs attacking the body so as to make the immune system, stronger.

Red bell pepper

This healthy food has lots of vitamin A and vitamin C which helps it to reduce the risk of breast cancer, cataract   and macular degeneration.


Oysters are rich source of zinc that strengthens the T cells of the body. T cells are the important part of the immune system of our body that helps the body to detect the presence of germs in it.


This contains the antioxidants, flavonoids and phenolic acids to help the immune system to be stronger. When combined with the tomatoes, garlic and meat it creates an excellent food for boosting the immune system.

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